- Training & Development, employees would be privileged to be sent for training and also talents would get to be stretched with assignments and mentoring 
- Employees who think why their bosses send them for training and they really dislike attending or they just want to clock in the training hours
- Learning goes beyond the company hours such as after office hours. Reading books, listening to audio, attending courses or even doing something to apply what you have learned. 
- My journey as entrepreneur is ongoing learning and new space altogether. Mindset started to shift no longer you have a company to send you for training. It is self-motivated, you have to learn and be disciplined on your own.
- In corporate, you still get paid though you may not be attending additional training or even upgrade and learn new skills. However, you may face the danger of being obsolete and get retrenched or not getting good pay increment and bonus. 
- Entrepreneur – You are your own boss, you decide your own success. Hence, you will go all way out to learn and make it happen. 
- When I attended training, they would be people who told me can share information so they need not have to attend and save the money. What I learned is that if you don’t pay you will take it for granted and it would be just another course for you. Just like I attended a quantum leap program 13 years ago which I paid 6 times more than what I was earning and finished the payment through credit card installment over 2 years. 

Key Takeaways
- Learning new thing everyday as it keeps us engaged and our mind alert. 
- Instill discipline in daily time helps to build the habits and continue to train and build muscles.
- It is tough in the beginning but keep going . It is not the destination but the journey and lessons learned along the way. 
- I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman can be a leader in your own way. Connect with me through Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. 
My links: https://shor.by/leaderonline
- I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership.