What is the truth about Jeffrey Epstein? How many powerful, influential global figures did he rub shoulders with? How many faces that we might recognize? 

And did Epstein have help in his sex trafficking? How about guards on his so-called Pedophile Island? We have to wonder how many others may have been involved. Hopefully the Feds can break Epstein and he gives up the other Big Boys in these sex trafficking rings so they can all be hauled off to prison. 

But, while we pray for Justice for Epstein in this life: What about the next? Many people online have viscerally reacted to Epstein's sins by wishing him eternal damnation. I don't think that's an appropriate response for Christians, is it? Should we be HOPING for Epstein's damnation simply because he has sinned so horribly? 

Find out in this episode!