Tree Details
Hardiness zone: 3 – 8
Height: 50 – 80
Spread: 20 – 40
Habit: In youth: symmetrical pyramid of soft, pleasant appearance At maturity: crown composed of several horizontal and ascending branches
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, well-drained, fertile soil preferable
Flowers: Cones: male cones inconspicuous
Fruit: in 3 – 7 long, broad, stalked, light brown cones
Landscape use: Handsome and ornamental specimen, valuable for parks, estates and large properties, makes a nice sheared hedge
History: Native range is Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Georgia, Illinois and Iowa; introduced about 1705
Pests\Problems: white pine weevil; Problems: white pine blister rust
Significant Features: Great variation in needle color, some keep bluish-green color through winter