Previous Episode: 66.Cucumbertree
Next Episode: 68.Pignut Hickory

Tree Details
Hardiness zone: 6 – 8
Height: 20 – 40
Spread: Equal to height
Habit: Broad, pyramidal tree
Light: Light shade preferable
Soil: Moist, well-drained soil preferable
Flowers: Inconspicuous flowers surrounded by 2 large, white bracts of unequal size (the lower is 7 long by 4 wide and the upper is 3 – 4 )
Fruit: Ovoid, 1 1/2 long, drupe
Landscape use: Splendid specimen tree
History: Native range is China in west Szechuan and parts of west Hupeh provinces; introduced in 1904
Pests\Problems: None serious
Significant Features: Very handsome flowering tree; not guaranteed to bloom every year