CrossFit has made a small but strategic change to their homepage. Kara Saunders and James Newbury are speaking at a health summit. The 20.2 workout live...

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Wednesday, the 16th of October, 2019.

CrossFit has made a slight change to their website homepage after their famous 190101 refresh. This tweak adds a left and right rail, featuring a randomized list of featured affiliates on the left and a chronological list of upcoming courses on the right. 

What is 190101?

Originally the website redesign featured just the workout of the day and an accompanying health or fitness article, movement video, quote, or recipe. This small change is actually a gigantic shift from 190101, the title founder Greg Glassman gives the site’s reboot on the first day of 2019, because it brings back a spotlight to the affiliates and CrossFit’s educational courses: two of the primary sources of CrossFit’s income. 

As a former project, program, and product manager in the tech industry for ten years, I can tell you there isn’t any outstanding impact to the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) value from this change, but CrossFit made it nonetheless because it impacts what their users see. In short: Greg Glassman had these added because he WANTS you to see them as core aspects of CrossFit’s business model, not because of any other reason.

Personalized Health Summit

Kara Saunders and James Newbury will be speaking at the ATP Science Personalized Health Summit, which runs November 2nd and 3rd. The summit is a uniquely personalized take on a conference, having you fill out a questionnaire upon arrival, which helps guide you to sessions and breakouts that will target your health and fitness weaknesses and risks. Tickets start in the $450 range, and the event will be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. Speakers include Newbury, Saunders, gut health advocates, plant-based diet experts, a neuroplasticity scientist, and Tess Alexander, a former Miss World Australia and new wellness consultant.

It’s hump day and the one thing getting me through it is the thought of joining you for our live stream of the 20.2 workout announcement tomorrow. I’ll have statistics, predictions, guesses, dad jokes, puns, and epic intro videos for Matt Mcleod and Khan Porter. The stream starts at 4:30 PM Pacific on the WODDITY YouTube channel. I’ve put a direct link to the 20.2 event right here in my show notes.

It’s a short day for news about CrossFit, so I have a joke inspired by a friend. What do you get when you cross a goat and a CrossFitter? An athlete who’s baaaaaaad to the bone.

I’m sorry.

And that’s it for news about CrossFit on Wednesday, October 16th. Thanks for listening. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. It’s the best way to give back to the show, because it helps more people find us. I’m Ben Garves.