During this episode of WOCTalk, we sit down with Dr. Barbara Pieper of Wayne State University. Current Professor and Interim Associate Dean, Dr. Pieper also has a long history of providing chronic wound care to a person who injects drugs (PWID). She recently presented two sessions at the WOCN® Society’s Annual Conference, “Wounds Among Persons Who Inject Drugs” and “Opioid Crisis and the WOC Nurse Role”. Both sessions covered information related to drug-related wounds, opioid usage, and the WOC nurses’ role.

Interested in learning more about PWID or the opioid crisis and the WOC nurses’ role? View Dr. Pieper’s full conference sessions from the WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference in Philadelphia:

“Wounds Among Persons Who Inject Drugs”

“Opioid Crisis and the WOC Nurse Role”

Want to review more sessions from the Society’s 50th Annual Conference? The full conference library is available for purchase. Choose from the entire package or individual sessions here.

For a list of WOCN Society recorded continuing education sessions on the topic of opioid usage, click here.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Barbara Pieper PhD, RN

Professor/Nurse Practitioner, Wayne State University

Barbara Pieper has provided chronic wound care, primarily to persons who inject drugs, since 1991. During this time, she has had to deal with pain and its management. She has included pain assessment on several of her studies and included pain assessment in her publications.