The incidence of peristomal skin complications (PSCs) is reported to be as high as 77%, and the negative impact of PSCs on patient quality of life is well documented. In addition, studies show that the majority of patients fail to recognize PSCs, believing that skin issues are "normal", and only 20% seek treatment. This data emphasizes the need for consumer-based tools that educate individuals with ostomies about strategies for maintaining skin health and that assist the person with an ostomy to promptly identify PSCs. During this episode of WOCTalk, we sit down with Jo Hoeflok and Christine Kim to discuss their session at the WOCN Society’s 50th Annual Conference. “Development of a Patient Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide” was a symposia session that walked through the development, availability, and appropriate utilization of a consumer-based tool for recognition and management of peristomal skin complications—The Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide for Consumers.

View the full conference session, “Development of a Patient Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide”

The WOCN Society’s evidence-based clinical tools are perfect for the home environment to aid with transitions of care and to improve patient outcomes. The use of these free online tools increases staff competence by augmenting skill sets in support surface selection, lower extremity wound management and ostomy complications. For information on the Society’s evidence-based clinical tools, visit:

To demo the Society’s Peristomal Skin Assessment Guides, visit:

Speaker Bios

Jo Hoeflok RN, BSN, MA, CETN(C), CGN(C)

Consultant in Enterostomal Therapy Nursing, Self-employed

Jo has been nursing for over 30 years, primarily in Gastroenterology and General Surgery settings. Jo received her BSN from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, her WOCN Certificate from Emory University in Atlanta, a Masters of Arts from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and her Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Degree from the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Canada. Jo has participated on many national and international boards including the Global Panel on Convexity and the Peristomal Skin Working Group. Jo was a Reviewer for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Best Practices Recommendations for Ostomy Care. She received RNAO’s Award of Merit in 2014 for her commitment to professional development. She recently retired from her role as Nurse Practitioner for the Gastroenterology and General Surgery Program at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. She has relocated to Campbell River in BC, and is self-employed as a consultant in Enterostomal Therapy Nursing.

Christine Kim

Founder, OstomyConnection

Christine Kim has been living with an ileostomy for 24 years. She is the founder of, an online publication that shares stories of people living with an ostomy in the U.S. and around the world.