Show notes originally posted by Nevik In this episode, our 4th Musketeer sadly could not join us on account of a medical

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this episode, our 4th Musketeer sadly could not join us on account of a medical emergency (don’t worry, everything is fine). Nevertheless the rest of the crew gathers to discuss what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja levels up during the course of the show, Jen smashes through a portion of Act 1 Nightmare, and Nevik cleared Inferno with his melee demon hunter.

In this episode:

* We read, and respond to, another mountain of email we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Zesty, Lord Bacon and Master Do. Thank you for the many emails! Keep them coming!

* Considering the volatile subject of WHERE’S THE PVP? we give our takes on the situation in an attempt to put the whole thing in perspective. Some good ideas come out of the discussion as to how we’d like to see PVP implemented.

* In lieu of our font of knowledge, Lanntonio, being absent, Nevik attempts to give a (brief) market report on set pieces.

* Sadly the podcast, Dungeon Crawler, will be coming to an end. That means the gaping hole that is Diablo podcasts will be even larger. Their final episode will be released Sunday, December 23rd. #sadface

Housekeeping Note: We did not get around to going in-depth with a specific class and its potential, or most popular builds on account of going long with our discussions resulting from the fantastic emails we received. Rest assured we will cover each class in detail, either on the podcast, or through blog posts on this very blog. Cheers!

Links for you to Visit:

* For another take on where Diablo 3 is today, check out Red Team Gaming‘s on-going youtube series: State of the Game: Diablo 3 — Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. They’re all interesting listens and provide excellent constructive criticism of the game.

* Blizzard has been asking the community to vote for our favorite environments in the game. Check out the results from their Act 1Act 2 and Act 3 polls.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to [email protected].

Show Links:

Email the showNevikJen, or Breja
Twitters: ShowNevikJenLanntonio and Breja
Check out the show’s Facebook fan page

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