Join the Women in Seed Production Network as we interview Denise Vitola, Vice President of Brand Integration PR, Social, and Influencer for Bayer Consumer Health. In this episode, we explore being vulnerable, staying true to yourself, and finding your passion. Denise brings breadth of experience to the table that will undoubtedly leave you with the drive to champion those ideas you’ve not yet explored. Together we discuss how to gain the confidence to take control of your own personal brand, how to show up as your best self despite other’s opinions and utilize your personal champions to ignite your passion. Through this conversation we also discuss the meaning of a pivotal moment in history, now celebrated annually in August with Women’s Equality Day. Denise shares insight on a personal meaning for this day, as well as advice on how to kickstart something bigger through your celebrations of Women’s Equality Day. Please listen in as Denise shares her secrets to staying true to yourself and what is to come as you are in the pursuit of your own happiness.