Dr. Stacie Bass is a physician anesthesiologist in Houston, TX.  She is also a mom of 3 kiddos (age 5, 7, and 9), a fitness lover, certified personal trainer, and competitive bodybuilder.  Dr. Bass grew up in Houston, TX, and is a proud Texas Longhorn (c/o 2001), completing medical school and anesthesiology residency at UTMB in Galveston, TX in 2009 (where she met her husband, Michael) . They had a "short" 8 year stint in Lexington Kentucky where they had all their kids, and she spent years as a "runner" completing 10 half marathons, eventually finding her love of weightlifting/bodybuilding. Stacie nationally qualified in the bikini division in 2017 and 2018, and plans to compete in 2020 in the figure division. In 2020 she earned her NASM Certified personal training certification. In addition to her upcoming  bodybuilding competitions, her goals for this year are to complete a more extensive nutrition certification to supplement the ACE Certification she earned in 2018, and to help coach others to learn their way around the weight room, balance in both nutrition and fitness, and how to stay consistent despite all the obstacles that life throws at us. Follow Dr. Stacie Bass on Instagram @drmusclemom


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