Ingrid Yang, MD, JD, E-RYT-500*, C-IAYT** is a board-certified physician hospitalist in San Diego, CA who has been teaching yoga for over 21 years. She is also the author of two books: Hatha Yoga Asanas and Adaptive Yoga. She is an incredibly creative and inspiring yoga teacher, who has made it her purpose to incorporate medicine into yoga, and yoga into medicine. Dr. Yang leads classes, trainings, and workshops all over the United States, Australia, Europe and Asia. She is a certified yoga therapist under the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and a Reiki master of the Usui tradition. In her past lives, Ingrid was an intellectual property attorney, founder and owner of Blue Point Yoga Center, and a jazz singer in Australia. When she is not doctor-ing or yoga-ing, Ingrid loves to surf at sunset, travel the world, and play on the beach with her dogs Rusty and Juno. Find out more at or

*E-RYT500 = experienced registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and the 500 level (highest level)

**C-IAYT = Certified with International Association of Yoga Therapists (a 2000 hour training requirement)


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