I'm grateful to be able to continue bringing you these episodes. In this time of uncertainty and chaos in the world, I wanted to bring you some hope. I recorded this episode about a month ago, and things were a little different at that time. There was a threat of this coronavirus, but it was all the way on the other side of the world. Albina chose her word for health and wellness as "flow". She will discuss why she chose that word. I felt this word was important considering what is going on currently. Achieving a flow state in this pandemic to me means adjusting to the ups and downs and by doing so, we can achieve a steady state in our lives, in order to find that new normal. In this episode, you will hear me chat with Albina Rippy, who I have known since 2014 after taking yoga classes at her yoga studio. She describes her word for health and wellness as flow, and she definitely demonstrates that, from moving to a foreign country at age 16, to becoming a CPA, to opening up a yoga studio to then selling her studios to travel the world. Albina Rippy is a serial entrepreneur, success coach, inspirational speaker, hotelierand a world traveler. After a decsde of starting and growing her businesses into thriving communities of yoga, healthy, holistic lifestyle, personal growth and transformation, she sold all of her worldly possessions to travel and explore the world together with her husband and daughters and fluffy dog, Dante.

Albina adds massive value by contributing to the success and happiness of people around the world through her success and business coaching. Find more information about Albina and all that she manifests at www.albinarippy.com and her retreat center Blue Sky in Taos, NM at www.blueskyretreatcenter.com  


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