The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
By Saifedean Ammous
The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications.
While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. Ammous takes the reader on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt.
Key Takeaways
The sound money means government cannot easily make more while unsound money means that they can make more.
Bitcoin was the first engineering solution that allowed for digital payments without having to rely on a trusted third-party intermediary. By being the first digital object that is verifiably scarce, Bitcoin is the first example of digital cash.
Gold became the basis for sound money.
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Rating: 8.5/10
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The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
By Saifedean Ammous
The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications.
While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. Ammous takes the reader on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt.
Key Takeaways
The sound money means government cannot easily make more while unsound money means that they can make more.
Bitcoin was the first engineering solution that allowed for digital payments without having to rely on a trusted third-party intermediary. By being the first digital object that is verifiably scarce, Bitcoin is the first example of digital cash.
Gold became the basis for sound money.
Host rating for 'The Bitcoin Standard'
Rating: 9/10
Rating: 8.5/10
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