Welcome to Day 1962 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
Overcoming Suffering – Daily Wisdom
Welcome to Wisdom-Trek with Gramps. We are on Day 1962 of our trek, and it’s time to explore another nugget of wisdom, which includes an inspirational quote and some wise words from Gramps for today’s trek. Wisdom is the final frontier in gaining true knowledge. So we are on a daily trek to create a legacy of wisdom, seek out discernment and insights, and boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before.

Hello, my friend; this is Gramps. Thanks for coming along on today’s trek as we increase wisdom and create a living legacy. Proverbs 16:16 says, "How much better to get wisdom than gold, and sound judgment than silver!" If you apply the words you hear today, over time, it will help you become more healthy, wealthy, and wise as you continue your daily trek of life. So let’s jump right in with today’s nugget.

Today’s quote is from Helen Keller, and it is, "Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."
Overcoming Suffering

As a result of sin in this world, we see all creation affected by it. There is suffering in nature, suffering in the animal kingdom, and suffering among humans. If we were to focus on the suffering, the earth would be a most unpleasant place to abide. But, even though humankind chose to rebel against their creator by God’s grace, we also know and understand that He provided grace to everything He created.

All creation has much beauty, from the sun’s rising to its setting. There is beauty in the moonlight and the countless stars and galaxies in the sky. There is beauty in flowers and plants, which provide us with sweet smells and nourishment. There is beauty in the animal kingdom and, indeed, in humankind.

In today’s world of advanced medicine and technologies, we have overcome much of the suffering experienced in the past. With technologies increasing ever more rapidly, what we see as suffering today may be resolved in the future.

Even though illnesses and poverty are being lessened, the absolute cure for what we consider to be suffering is to be able to have peace amid suffering. That peace can only be found in Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for us so that we may have eternal life with God through Christ.

Romans 8:18-25

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We,

Welcome to Day 1962 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
Overcoming Suffering – Daily Wisdom
Welcome to Wisdom-Trek with Gramps. We are on Day 1962 of our trek, and it’s time to explore another nugget of wisdom, which includes an inspirational quote and some wise words from Gramps for today’s trek. Wisdom is the final frontier in gaining true knowledge. So we are on a daily trek to create a legacy of wisdom, seek out discernment and insights, and boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before.

Hello, my friend; this is Gramps. Thanks for coming along on today’s trek as we increase wisdom and create a living legacy. Proverbs 16:16 says, "How much better to get wisdom than gold, and sound judgment than silver!" If you apply the words you hear today, over time, it will help you become more healthy, wealthy, and wise as you continue your daily trek of life. So let’s jump right in with today’s nugget.

Today’s quote is from Helen Keller, and it is, "Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."
Overcoming Suffering

As a result of sin in this world, we see all creation affected by it. There is suffering in nature, suffering in the animal kingdom, and suffering among humans. If we were to focus on the suffering, the earth would be a most unpleasant place to abide. But, even though humankind chose to rebel against their creator by God’s grace, we also know and understand that He provided grace to everything He created.

All creation has much beauty, from the sun’s rising to its setting. There is beauty in the moonlight and the countless stars and galaxies in the sky. There is beauty in flowers and plants, which provide us with sweet smells and nourishment. There is beauty in the animal kingdom and, indeed, in humankind.

In today’s world of advanced medicine and technologies, we have overcome much of the suffering experienced in the past. With technologies increasing ever more rapidly, what we see as suffering today may be resolved in the future.

Even though illnesses and poverty are being lessened, the absolute cure for what we consider to be suffering is to be able to have peace amid suffering. That peace can only be found in Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for us so that we may have eternal life with God through Christ.

Romans 8:18-25

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)

As you ponder this nugget of wisdom for yourself, please encourage your friends and family to join us and come along tomorrow for another day of our Wisdom-Trek, Creating a Legacy.

If you would like to listen to any of our past 1961 treks or read the Wisdom Journal, they are available at Wisdom-Trek.com. In addition, I encourage you to subscribe to Wisdom-Trek on your favorite podcast player to automatically download each day’s trek. Finally, if you would like to receive our weekly newsletter, Wisdom Notes, please email me at [email protected].

Thank you so much for allowing me to be your guide, mentor, and, most importantly, your friend as I serve you through the Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal.

As we take this trek together, let us always:

Live Abundantly (Fully)
Love Unconditionally
Listen Intentionally
Learn Continuously
Lend to others Generously
Lead with Integrity
Leave a Living Legacy Each Day

I am Guthrie Chamberlain reminding you to Keep Moving Forward, Enjoy Your Journey, and Create a Great Day Everyday! See you next time for more daily wisdom!