I remember the first time I read Viktor Frankel’s profoundly moving book, Man’s Search for Meaning. I was in high school, and it spoke to my own deeper questions about life, confirming my draw to study psychology. Recently I had a provoking conversation with a man whose life work is with the intersection of purpose, meaning, spirituality and transition. I’m excited to see where our conversation goes today. Listen in…

Rabbi Dr. Baruch HaLevi, “Rabbi B”, is a Logotherapist, Enneagram coach, Kabbalah teacher, inspirational author, motivational speaker, and co-founder and Executive Director of Soul Centered, a Denver, CO based center for spirituality, meaning and healing. Synthesizing his training and expertise in Logotherapy (meaning-centered psychotherapy), the Enneagram (an ancient, spiritual personality and energy system), and Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) Baruch works with clients to find deeper meaning and greater purpose through all of life’s transitions, traumas, and tragedies, living what he calls, “the defiant spirit.” He is the host of the Defiant Spirit podcast.

Find Baruch HaLevi at: www.mysoulcentered.org

Find Laurie Seymour at https://thebacainstitute.com/ .

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The first step of mastering your Quantum Connection is to know your natural style of being in the world.

We are each designed to connect with Source differently. Knowing your style is the first step of aligning with your inner guidance at a deeper level than you ever thought you could. It's the secret to having abundant flow in your business and personal life.

Click here to take the quiz now: Quantum Connection Quiz


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