Kaustubha has a high bar for Krishna miracles / Miracles can shake us out of our skepticism / Figure out your offering and go full speed ahead / Krishna doesn’t want one song- he wants every note of every song / Before reciting the Srimad Bhagavatam we must remove our tin foil hat / we think we’ve let go of the ego, but we haven’t / Krishna chops away and sands us for pure bhakti / take your problems to Ganga devi and cry / When ya got nothing, you’ve got everything

SB 6.9.23-24

Check out Page Family Bhakti & Queen of Hearts at https://open.spotify.com/album/0LOiCYBJCH4IlcMdWPcVBQ?si=qmJuLLQqS86qXhP0y-6-xA


