Focused and specific to the Southdale neighbourhood for April 10th, 2020.


[00:00:00] Is now a good time to buy or sell in Southdale, Winnipeg? Let's find out. [00:00:04][4.0]

[00:00:08] You're listening to the Bo Knows Real Estate Podcast tips and advice for home buyers, sellers and owners with award winning Remax agent Bo Kauffmann. [00:00:18][9.9]

[00:00:21] I've been producing Winnipeg real estate market updates for many years. It's a great way to see what's going on in our city, but real estate is even more local than that. Each neighborhood can have their own unique market conditions. So you're curious about your area and Winnipeg. Email me at Bo Knows Homes at G-mail dot com and I'll create a special report just for you right now. [00:00:43][22.1]

[00:00:43] In early April 2020, we have seven attached and detached homes available in Southdale, three between 200 and 300 thousand, one between three and four hundred, two between 400 and five hundred thousand and one just over six hundred thousand dollars. [00:00:58][14.9]

[00:00:59] There's currently one pending sale, so the buyer just needs to get financing or something along those lines and that is between 400 and five hundred thousand dollars. Over the past two weeks, we've sold five houses in the Southdale area, one between two and three hundred, two of them in the three to four hundred range and two of them in the four to five hundred range. In that last one, one sold just under a list price and the other one sold actually over list price, likely indicating multiple offers in that sale. [00:01:25][26.5]

[00:01:26] Now, looking back over the past month, it looks like we've had eight final sales, one between two and three hundred and five of them in the three to four hundred thousand dollar range. And then those two sales between four and five hundred. [00:01:36][10.6]

[00:01:37] Now, that's all well and good. But here's the important comparison. How does this 31 day period compare to the same 31 day period in the previous three years? So currently, including the one that's conditionally sold, we've made a total of nine sales in the 31 day period. [00:01:53][16.0]

[00:01:53] Last year it was 10. So we're right on track with last year. 2018 there was only four. And we'd have to look at the weather map. I suspect that maybe we had a snow storm or some event happen that kept sales to just four sales in that 31 day period. [00:02:09][15.2]

[00:02:09] And in 2017 we had 12. So currently we're right on track. COVID or no, the market in Southdale seems to be right on track with what is happening over the last few years. So what does all this mean? Well, with just seven listings available between 230 and 630 thousand dollars, Southdale is a good market right now to list your home for sale. So if you're looking to buy or sell in Southdale or anywhere else in Winnipeg, give me a shout at 204-333-2202. This has been Bo Kauffmann RE/MAX performance realty. [00:02:39][30.0]

[00:02:40] And hey, if you're still with me at this point why not grab my free podcasting app for your phone available for iOS and Android devices, super easy. Just go to Winnipeg, dot tips slash Apple or slash Android. That's Winnipeg dot T I P S, slash Apple or slash Android that way you'll never miss an episode about Winnipeg, real estate or both. [00:03:02][22.1]

[00:03:06] You've been listening to Bo Kauffmann of RE/MAX performance realty, are you thinking of buying or selling a house or condo in Winnipeg called Bo at 2 0 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 2? Remember, Bo knows real estate. [00:03:06][0.0]
