It’s springtime, and Winnipeg home buyers are facing a very tough sellers market.  How can first time buyers get a leg up in this highly competitive environment?  Lets talk with mortgage expert, my friend Mike Schroeder of Mortgage Architects…next.

Home buyers in Winnipeg are in a very tuff spot.  Our spring market is normally very competitive.  This is when buyers come out in large numbers, and end up competing on homes and even condos.

This year they are facing 2 additional obstacles,:  Lack of listings and rising interest rates.

Normally at this time , we have around 1200 houses on the market.  This morning, we have just over 400.  Whats worse, is that over half of them are new listings, and will likely be sold in the next couple of days.

Also, the headlines are shouting  “Bank of Canada DOUBLES its interest rates”…  adding more stress to the daily routines of home buyers.

So I thought it was high time that we speak with someone who knows mortgages, knows how to help home buyers and can add some perspective to these issues.

Let’s say hellow to Mike Schroeder of Mortgage Architects in Winnipeg.