Business owners often think of law firms as emergency rooms, which means they only call a law firm when circumstances are bad. Instead, small business owners should be thinking of law firms as primary care physicians. However, there is an issue with how most law firms bill clients for their services. Traditionally you pay a lawyer by the hour, which creates a conflict of interest because now they control both the number of hours and the hourly rate. It's that conflict of interest that causes people to be hesitant to call a law firm.  

About 5 years after opening my practice, I began to notice my repeat clients would only call when there was a major issue versus working with me in advance to prevent the problems. I decided to hire a business coach to help me work out the details of a crazy new idea. I wanted to create a practice where clients could call me with their problems on demand and I could help solve them in advance. So we created The Access Plan to help small business owners get answers to their legal questions without having to pay out of pocket each time. 

The Access Plan is a subscription model where clients get unlimited access to me and my team for all their legal questions. You can also schedule working sessions with us if there is a particular issue you want to dig deeper into. Plus, you get a 30-minute check-in call each month. From the small business owner standpoint, 12 times a year they get to meet with their legal team to help anticipate and prevent problems. When was the last time you heard of a small business owner, that wasn’t in a crisis, meeting with their legal team regularly? 

The idea behind shatter proofing your business came from the shatterproof glass in car windshields. Our business is the vehicle to our future and we want to be prepared for the rocks life throws at us. So we created the 5 strategies to shatterproof your business, the first strategy we recommend is to assemble a team of key advisors. This team should include people that can advise you on legal issues, taxes, insurance, banking, and business strategies. You can download the free eBook guide with all the strategies on our website


Resources Shared: 

ReibLaw 5 Proven Strategies FREE e-book