Due to Father Anthony being away but doing alright and healthy and the Covid-19 Pandemic, this is a re-air from March 20th.  Also, from all of us at Winds of Change, we extend out thanks to all the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, first responders, and all others who are on the frontlines dealing with Covid-19.  Thank you.

TGIF everyone and the Two Tony’s are back with us and here to provide words of hope, encouragement, and in some ways relief during this very difficult time with the Coronavirus Pandemic.  First off, they offer their thoughts and prayers to the entire world and especially to those who are sick with Covid-19 and to offer the services of Mary and God to heal them and help heal the world during this time.  Father Anthony is making time to pray the rosary during this very difficult time and he has been doing it on live streams as well.  With Covid-19, the Two Tony’s express the need for prayer, as well as the strange feeling everyone is probably feeling during this time, not only with the spread of the virus, but the reactions everyone is doing in order to contain and stop the spread of the virus.  They also talk more about how every little thing that someone does, such as coughing, blowing noses, and those with allergies cause people to feel fear that they have the virus.  Father Anthony also shares some of the Gospel readings related to this particular crisis and reminds us to let God help us and that together…we will get through this and that God is with us.