Due to Father Anthony being away in Rochester and doing okay and with the Covid-19 Pandemic, this is a re-air from March 5th.  Thank you and stay healthy and stay safe.

Thursday with the Two Tony’s and at the start of the show, they point out how the Lord says to not worry about tomorrow, for today has stress and problems of it’s on and you’ll get through this.  Speaking of getting through things, Father Anthony shares how he is preparing and working on so many things at Saint Stanislaus Kostka.  This brings to mind our relationship with God and how He helps us, as well as to forgive us of our sins.  This reminds us that even though we may at times doubt that God either doesn’t hear us and our prayers or our suffering leading to denial of Him, but Father Anthony says He does know of our suffering and hears us.  Father Anthony also talks about his recent visit and meeting with the Bishops yesterday, which relates to talking about God hearing and helping us.