What's Your 20?  

How many times have you heard that as a cop?  Probably more than you could remember.  But it is significant because unless we know where we are to begin with, along with goals of where we want to be, we will never go anywhere.

Think back to the classic story of Alice in Wonderland.  When she is brought to a fork in the road and questioning which way to turn, the Cheshire Cat asked her where she wanted to go and she replied "I don't know."  His response to that was, "Then it doesn't matter which road you take."

 So often this happens to us in life, where we don't fully understand where we are, in order to take the correct action to get where we really want to be.  Check out the Highlights here:

Boy Scout Orienteering  (01:23) What to do when you don’t know where you are (03:18) You must know where you are starting from in order to know where you are going. (05:21) The one thing that will tell you where you are and where to go (04:21)  Are you driving around like a cop with no GPS?  (06:28) When you know exactly where you are, you can plan where you are going (06:55) Cops get really good at knowing how to figure out where they are at work (07:26) Most police officers have no idea where they are in their personal lives (08:02) What we learn about direction from Alice in Wonderland (8:30) What’s Your 20? (10:04) The Four Areas of Life to Work on (10:27) Do you Know where you are in each area of life right now? (10:55) How to figure out where you are (11:46) More is not a real thing (12:15) Spend some time discovering where you are now (13:38) Get your hero’s journey pdf now!  (14:09)


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About The Show


From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams.

Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.


He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.


He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.


Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.

Resources and Links

 Hero Fuel Supplements: http://www.myherofuel.com⠀⠀⠀⠀

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Your Host- Gerritt Bake

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerritt.bake

 Instagram: www.instagram.com/gerrittbake