What is your domino? What is that ONE thing you need in your life, to propel you into success?

Most of us have the one key thing we need, to ensure we are productive, staying focused, and encouraging others to also reach for their domino.

Cord Sachs talks about how important it is for us to find the ONE thing that makes everything else fall in place easier.

And how we can help our team and family members do the same. Enjoy today’s episode, I look forward to reading your feedback.


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

What is the key trait to winning at work and at home? (1:25)

Cords Story. (2:10)

How Cord is intentional with his kids (8:10)

Be the source of truth for your kids. (11:56)

Cords A team and B team. (19:56)

What is your domino? (23:08)


Cord’s Bio:

My larger story includes being a catalyst for multiplying movements of multiplying leaders.

I started FireSeeds with the purpose of impacting the world through recruiting and leader development. Our mission is to discover remarkable leaders, deploy them into amazing companies and help those companies develop strategy around leader development.

We are passionate about finding great leaders. Leaders who have high integrity, and intentional drive -- leaders who want to invest their lives through developing others. We call this a multiplying leader.


What's Next? 


Are you struggling to win at both home and work? Maybe you’re crushing it at work, but home life is tough. Or maybe home life is great, but work is challenging. 

I want to give you 10 tips that I share with clients. Go to my website at www.corymcarlson.com/subscribe and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home and at Work.”

Have you read ‘Rise and Go’?

All leaders get knocked down from time to time, so this is a resource to help you get back up quicker. 

Check it out on Amazon.

Also, if you have not checked out my first book, please do! It is called Win At Home First and you can purchase it on Amazon Here. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.