What would happen, if you made it a point to take care of your soul? What does it mean to take care of your soul? Today's guest Greg Woodard encourages every leader out there, to do just that. By taking care of your soul, Greg believes that your family, team, and those around you will be taken care of on a whole new level. Enjoy today's episode.


In this episode, you’ll discover… 


What is the key trait to winning at work and at home? (1:09)

What is self-leadership? (1:33)

What did God ‘speak’ to Greg? (9:35)

Sit, and be reflective (13:00)

Greg’s Bio:

Hi, I’m Dr. Gregory Woodard. Reaching a place of alignment in the deepest part of who you are and your leadership can be frustrating, exhausting, and confusing. But that doesn’t have to be your story.


I’ve spent more than two decades working to understand myself and my vocation at the deepest levels. Turns out, that calling was to coach value-driven leaders to build a legacy of extraordinary contribution.


I am an Endorsed Soul Driven Leadership Coach, and a 22-year military veteran retired as a Navy Chaplain. I hold a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership Renewal & Coaching from Regent University and most importantly, I am a devoted Christian, husband, and father. 


Together, we will discover your true self and what God has for your life purpose and your leadership. So you can step forward into the next chapter of your life boldly, with:


Alignment between who you are and what you do

Boldness in your choice of vocation

Conviction in the deepest part of your being

It's time to live your best life and lead out of your calling.


Learn more: https://page.gregwoodard.com/

What's Next? 


Are you struggling to win at both home and work? Maybe you’re crushing it at work, but home life is tough. Or maybe home life is great, but work is challenging. 


I want to give you 10 tips that I share with clients. Go to my website at www.corymcarlson.com/subscribe and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home and at Work.”


Have you read ‘Rise and Go’?


All leaders get knocked down from time to time, so this is a resource to help you get back up quicker. 


Check it out on Amazon.

Also, if you have not checked out my first book, please do! It is called Win At Home First and you can purchase it on Amazon Here. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.