Are you just as intentional at home, as you are at work? Today I sat down with David and Stu. We touched on intentionality, humility, and trust. Trusting in the process. Trusting in the promptings we receive. Trusting in God. Today’s encouragement is to take time to think about the effects of the hard work you put out, that you don’t see. You control the input, God controls the impact. 


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

What is the key trait to winning at work and at home? (1:31)

You never know the ripple effect. (7:13)

Staying vulnerable, and open to change. (13:36)

Which promptings do we follow? (28:05)


Stu and David’s Bio:

When we (Stuart and David) decided to start a business, our early conversations were not about goals for self-employment, profits, or wealth. The initial conversations were about how to create a faith-based business focused on giving back to the Church and community that would enable financial freedom for its customers and team members. Being active-duty military members at the time of The Kinetic Man Mastermind’s inception, we wanted to focus on serving those who serve this country, hoping to provide a path to financial independence that would give military members options to continue serving or transition from their respective service, a choice based on desire rather than need.

We have a passion for serving, giving, real estate investing, and enjoy the benefits of owning income-producing real estate. On the foundation of our faith and passions, we knew we could provide a superior experience by simply ALWAYS being honest with our clients and our team. The Kinetic Man Mastermind is the result.


What's Next? 


Are you struggling to win at both home and work? Maybe you’re crushing it at work, but home life is tough. Or maybe home life is great, but work is challenging. 


I want to give you 10 tips that I share with clients. Go to my website at and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home and at Work.”


Have you read ‘Rise and Go’?


All leaders get knocked down from time to time, so this is a resource to help you get back up quicker. 


Check it out on Amazon.

Also, if you have not checked out my first book, please do! It is called Win At Home First and you can purchase it on Amazon Here. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.