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Alright beauties today's episode is talking about the underlying key to this work. Being Selfish AF. And why it's so important. Because this work you're's not just for you, it's for every single person you come in contact with. Your selfishness is of high service. But I know this can feel wildly uncomfortable, to put yourself first, to be self-absorbed, to ask yourself "What's in it for me?" It doesn't feel natural because the world has told you that being selfish makes you a bad person. It's a lie. When you're selfish, when you take care of yourself, when you heal, when you lead with personal responsibility and choice - you are able to show up in a more aligned, higher frequency for everyone else around you.

So, dive in. Listen. And then come to The Lounge and go deeper on Thursday with us. 

(my free 6 month self-expression membership)

See you there,

Kari xoxo 

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