The Witches say the veils between the worlds of the dead and the living, the seen and unseen, are thinnest at Samhain, the name of the cross-quarter sabbat (celebration) between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It's a time of high magick, ceremony and celebration to honour the dead and celebrate the years' harvest at the witches new year. its also a mirror for the pre-menstrual time of the menstrual cycle, a time to be revered, not feared, when truth-telling and listening is highly necessary for growth and healing.

Mystics, pagans and those who appreciate the seasons and cycles of life find much magick, power and transformation available in listening to what the spirits tell us, and in facing the darkness, arriving frosts and scent of death on the air of Samhain, because it gives us a chance to go inwards, to reflect on whether you're living your most authentic life, and to discern what needs to die so you can come closer to your truest essence. 

At Samhain I'm sharing why listening and courage is the medicine we need to be able to surrender control, shed our skins, and compost the rot of what's not working in our lives. I explain how Samhain is a powerful mirror for our deep pre-menstrual phase, when we realise we can't sustain our high-energy lives, and realise something has to give. Do you dissociate from yourself and deny your truth, or do you listen to your soul, learn and transform?

Like Inanna and Persephone choosing to journey to the Underworld to see their dark reflections, we too can reframe our pre-menstrual experiences by radically listening to ourselves, bearing witness to our truth, and facing our vulnerabilities to die-off, re-vision and give birth to our new selves with the arrival of the Spring.

Tune in for Samhain magick, and tools to revision your most authentic, embodied and inspiring life. 

Reflection prompts shared in this episode are:

What kind of ancestor are you becoming, what kind do you want to be?What is rotting, and begging to be let go of?What are you harvesting, and saving?How do you feel this descent showing up in yourself and your life right nowAre you living up to your potential?Are you tricking yourself?

Get the full show notes and blog post for this article here

Blessed be and blessed do!

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Big love,
Charlotte xxx