How does the universe and cosmos, the earth, our environment and the people around us influence our menstrual cycle and menopause experience? 

As within, so without, as above, so below. My guest Tracey Stevens is an emotional root cause health practitioner and sees a strong connection between the universal flow and chaos around us playing out in human health - which can impact our menstrual health and menopause. 

The cycles of nature and of our body have evolved to be in tune and in coherence with our environment: the rotation of the earth, the influence of the moon and other planets. The larger cycles are still moving in synchronous harmony, but our body, and both physical and emotional environment have become disharmonised, out of balance, non coherent. Over generations the imbalances show up more and more in our hormones.

In our conversation Tracey shares:

The importance of connecting with our inner emotions to safely release and express them, so emotion does not become stuck energy held in the body which can manifest as sickness.How the menstrual cycle, especially the bleed, magically brings up stored energy from within to be felt and released so you can start afresh each new cycle. How we can come back to coherence with family, earth and cosmos to bring harmony to our inner world and health.How perimenopause triggered her own inner healing journey, and how she supports herself to connect with and release her emotions to have a more conscious menopause process. 

About Tracey

After spending more than 30 years working in the Health Industry, first in Western Medicine then moving into Eastern Medicine and Acupuncture specifically, I realised there was much more to ill health than physical symptoms. I was led on an energetic and spiritual journey to understand the deeper reasons for physical imbalances. This journey took me through many and varied healing modalities leading me to a greater awareness of the roots of illness. I now have a passion for teaching and educating other people and practitioners in the root cause awareness to facilitate their own healing journey.

Connect with Tracey on her website at and instagram at @thehealingpoint._ 

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Big love,
Charlotte xxx