Menstrual Cycle Awareness is an archetypal experience of inner seasonal strengths and shadows that can bring us into sharp focus of how we express and embody different variations of ourselves across the menstrual cycle. For many its a very powerful self-awareness and empowerment tool, yet there is a tendency for people to think they should experience their cycle just as the textbook tells them, leaving them feeling further disconnection to their body and cycle when it doesn't fit the mould. 

Today's guest on Wild Flow is here to expand the horizons on who gets to participate in menstrual cycle awareness, and to specifically include people who identify as neurodivergent, queer and those who aren't tapping into their body's rhythm for fertility purposes. 

Joeli Carparco is a Mindset and Menstrual Cycle Coach for creatives, content creators, and coaches. She works to bring a neuroqueer lens to the menstrual cycle awareness space, by taking the focus off of fertility and even menstruation itself in order to expand the umbrella of who is included and to acknowledge different experiences of having a cycle. Through creating a practice of getting in touch with their body, Joeli helps her clients reconnect with their needs, wants, and desires so that they can have happier, healthier relationships with themselves, others, and their businesses.

Joeli’s pronouns are she/they, and she identifies as queer and neurodivergent and I am very grateful to Joeli for sharing so much insightful knowledge, wisdom and experience with us in this episode. Its one I hope everyone listens to whether you’re queer or neurodivergent yourself and are looking for examples and representation when it comes to understanding how you experience your cycle, whether you’re holding space for others in menstrual cycle awareness or wellness, and whether this is something you’re listening to and learning about for the first time. 

Joeli and I chatted about:

How Joeli realised their neurodivergence was exacbated by their cycle and what it looks like for them with ADHD and Autism, in life and business,What neuroqueering the menstrual cycle means, what it looks like in action, and why its important,How the menstrual cycle awareness space usually excludes non cis-gendered and neuro-normative people (even if unintentionally), and how that feels for Joeli.How coaches and space holders especially can be more inclusive of menstruation beyond charting fertility and connecting to the womb, by using better language and the ‘follow-through’, especially if you’re not sure of what the right wording or actions you can take are,How Joeli links the astrological signs to expressi

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Big love,
Charlotte xxx