Period Poverty is a very real problem that impacts millions of people around the world - and undeniably here in Australia too. Even today in 2021 Australia, 22% of people surveyed did not have funds to access clean period care products, having no choice but to either improvise their own product or stay home missing out on school or work. 49% of menstruators had to wear a tampon or pad beyond the safety guideline of 4 hours, and needed to ration products out to last the duration of a period. Clearly, period poverty is not just a Third World issue. 

This week's guests Menstrual Educators Amanda and Sahara from Weaving The Red Thread are passionate change-makers who are striving to reduce period poverty by getting more period care products and education into the hands of more Australians. They are supporting a fantastic charity called Share the Dignity through their Christmas Appeal #itsinthebag and are hosting an online fundraising screening of the documentary Pandora's Box which they're inviting you to support and attend, to learn and begin conversations to raise awareness within your family and networks. 

In this great episode we passionately discussed the impacts of period poverty on girls, women and menstruators now and long-term, and shared ways we can make significant differences in small, simple ways.

Purchase tickets to the Online Fundraising Screening of Pandora's Box with all proceeds going to Share the Dignity Australia on 18th November here

About Weaving The Red Thread

Amanda & Sahara are passionate Naturopathic Menstruality Educators empowering the reclamation of Women’s Menstruality Wisdom. Their teachings nourish holistic wellbeing, supporting girls, women and menstruators to understand their body, mind, heart, sexuality, sociability and how this flows within their cyclical nature.

Connect with Amanda and Sahara at:

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Big love,
Charlotte xxx