It’s a new year. Maybe you’ve made some resolutions, come up with your next big idea, or are busy fine-tuning your strategy for the year ahead. Success is on everyone's mind, so what better time than now to talk to someone who has cracked the code. That would be none other than best-selling author, network scientist, and visionary, Albert László Barabási, the brilliant mind behind the groundbreaking book, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success"?

We learn at a very early age that if you perform well, even the best, you will succeed. And to a certain point that is true. There is a strong link between performance and success, but it’s not so straightforward. 

How can we balance effort, opportunity, and timing to maximize success? You can’t be successful without strong performance but there are other ingredients, a special sauce, if you will, that can make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary success. We talk about all this ad more in this week's episode. 

We also want to hear from you! Share your thoughts, stories, and questions with us on social media using the hashtag #ScienceOfSuccess.

Keep up with Barabási on Twitter @barabasi and see what he and colleagues are working on by checking out his lab website

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