Happy Valentine's Day! While other animals celebrate their unions more than once a year we humans have taken the single anniversary, single holiday, and otherwise infrequent approach. Our dating lives are filled with challenges and the same is true for other species.

Like so many other species, we have to figure out how to date and mate successfully. As hard as that is, talking about it seems even more challenging. This is where other species can help. You just might find that discussing dancing prairie chickens, picky lionesses, or cheating swans makes the perfect segue into talking about some very common human problems. At the end of the day, whether it's the blue-footed booby, the adzuki bean beetle, or a slew of other species, animals have a lot to teach us about love and relationships.

This short episode is based on content from my book, Wild Connection: What animal courtship and mating tell us about human relationships. The audio version is available on my website at https://www.jenniferverdolin.com/books

If you like the cover that's by Krys Hookah. You can check out more of her art here: Kryshookuhdoodles.com and you can follow her on Instagram @kryhookah


If you like the show theme music that's thanks to George Nardo of Luna Recording Studios in Tucson AZ. https://lunarecording.com