This episode continues my Voices of Uganda series that is part of my Fulbright, since I am well, in Uganda. Back home in the US this week there is a climate change trial unfolding in the unlikeliest of places- Montana. What does this mean, a climate change trial?  In this case it is 16 young people that have sued the State of Montana over their reckless endangerment of their future. The case, Held v. Montana, is grounded in Montana’s constitution. You see, Montana guarantees its citizens  the right to a clean and healthful environment You can check out a link to the Yale article  for a more detailed look at the case.

This case though, ties directly to my guest this week. Born and raised in Kampala John Kasiita Semulema has had an impact well beyond Uganda’s borders. Today Kampala is nothing like it was when he grew up. It still had wildlife and was more like a village than the bustling, hectic, crowded city of today. Change is inevitable and nowhere is that more evident than with the climate. He speaks from a point of view as a Ugandan that grew up there and experienced a deep connection to nature and changes in the environment and now as an accomplished climate policy advisor also speaks from a global perspective. 

If you want to connect with John, you can find him on LinkedIn

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