From being sex trafficked to a successful 6-7 figure business leader relying on intuition and inner guidance. Megan Camille joins us to share her story of resilience and strength at the age of 19 she was trafficked, and it took her 4 years to find her way back home. As a young girl, Megan always had intuitive abilities and was seen differently from the other kids, which sometimes kept her isolated so when she was trafficked, it was very subtle and unassuming until it wasn’t. One thing she talks about is how hard it is to detect or remove someone from these situations. Trafficking in the US alone last year accounted for 27 million people according to the State Department, and these are the cases we know about.

 Fortunately, Megan was able to escape this life and found her way to a path of healing and self-exploration. She shares with us how money plays a big role in our decisions and that pure survival helped her to create not 1 but 4 successful businesses. She firmly believes that business is 80% energetics and 20% strategy. She speaks a lot about how the gut can guide us through the darkness and show lights of opportunity when you tap into it and listen. The other thing she speaks to is the importance of how we educate our children about life and respecting boundaries. Truly an inspirational conversation. Thank you ,Megan.

A few stats about human and sex trafficking: 96% of those trafficked are women, 81% accused of trafficking are men, and 45% are between the age of 18-24 years old. These numbers are off the charts and we don’t speak about them enough.