Why do hormones play such an important role in our bodies and overall health? Tylar Brannon, CEO of Optimal Bio joins us to discuss all things hormones, especially for women, and the impact it has on our bodies when our hormones are not regulated and balanced. 

 We discuss the stigma for women as it relates to menopause and other hormone-related issues. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) vs. BHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy) and many natural alternatives to support overall good health. She shares the impact of low estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in our bodies and why you have to be your own advocate as it relates to your health. Educate yourself on the many factors that will contribute to and increase health risks if you don’t have enough of these hormones.

 Many symptoms are often overlooked as we just think it’s normal when we could be providing our bodies with the support we desperately need and starting this early on in our lives. For women, we can reduce the risk of dementia, heart disease, etc. by paying attention and doing regular blood work.

Optimal Bio provides a number of free resources to help you arm yourself with information about hormone replacement and symptoms. Visit their website at OptimalBio.com and download their free handbook or listen to their podcast to learn more about bio-identical hormone replacement therapies.

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