Have you experienced the dreaded micromanager in your career? 

Summer Davies, from the LEADERshop, speaks with us about the dreaded micromanager and why and how this happens. And more importantly, she shares some amazing tips on what to do about it.

Summer began her career in leadership in a trial-by-fire journey where she had to take things into her own hands to learn how to be a better leader and we are fortunate that she joined us on the WIL Talk podcast to share her learnings and what she sees as some of the reasons this happens.

Join us for a wonderful conversation to unpack why understanding the impact and the intention is so important and how building trust with teams will go a long way in overcoming some of the tendencies. How organizations must do a better job in supporting leaders in their roles prior to taking on that next level. And just because you were an excellent solo contributor doesn’t mean you will smoothly move into leading the many. We have a responsibility to our people to set them up for success by ensuring that development and there are many ways to go about doing that.

If you are curious if you are a micro-manager, visit www.leader-chop.com and take their free quiz to learn more about your tendencies.

And if you are looking to enhance your networking, know that networking is the #1 skill you need to develop for maximum success. Visit us at www.wilempowered.com to learn about our new on-demand Networking: Love it or Hate it course. 

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