We had a conversation with Kelli Thompson, leadership coach, speaker, and writer. Kelli has earned her MBA and has served as Adjunct Management Faculty at the University of Nebraska – Omaha. Her thought leadership can be found on Thrive Global, Introvert Dear, Working Mother and IndogoBlue Magazine. But her favourite roles are wife and mother to a beautiful teenage daughter. You will not want to miss this conversation where we discussed taming the imposter monster. Kelli shared her favourite tips on how to handle that imposter monster especially when we are faced with life-changing moments such as, when you are about to do something exciting in your career, starting a new relationship, and why it is so hard to shake the feeling that you’ll be " found out" as unqualified or a fraud? The feeling has a name "imposter syndrome", she shhared the importance of why you need to STOP over estimating others’ intelligence and underestimating your own.