How often do you avoid having difficult conversations? Kim Carpenter, #Founder of People at the Center joins us for a conversation to break down why so many of us struggle with difficult conversations and how we might approach differently. Having difficult conversations is not easy no matter how much experience you have and we all tend to dread or avoid it if we can but what are the costs of doing so? Join us as we unpack this and so many more reasons our connections break down.

 Kim talks about listening sessions, being intentional with creating the spaces necessary to find out if we are okay with those best practices to create psychologically safe spaces for our people and what happens neurologically when the amygdala is highjacked. We often hear how teams are struggling to get it all done and that they can’t keep up, and yet there is still more to do. This is true and we need to be ok with not getting it all done. 

 We also dive into how effective communication can support leaders, teams, and organizations in doing great things when we practice and find what’s not working. And finally, we dive into self-reflection, self-awareness, and taking ownership as key to being an effective communicator. Once we understand the gaps and start with ourselves we can make those micro changes that can lead to extensive positive impact for individuals and entire organizations.

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