How often do you shy away from taking risks because you are afraid you might fail? Or you’re more concerned with not having the right knowledge to take on that next level of your career? Join us in a conversation with Lynn Herrick. Lynn is a lawyer by training but this is a woman with a career path that has led her to be an incisive, effective, and creative executive with a remarkable 20-year history of building high-growth companies. I wanted Lynn to share her success stories and how she found the confidence to make the moves that she has made. She has worked in several industries including technology, telecommunications, manufacturing, and healthcare, where she is a leader overseeing operations that extend to every corner of an enterprise.

 During our conversation, Lynn and I discussed the importance of utilizing all of your skills knowing how to transfer them to any career choice you might have, and knowing that your courage grows as your career grows. If we are open and curious we learn so much every day about what to do more of and what not to do. But it's important to set the vision you want to see, say it out loud, and then attract the right people to join you in taking action. 

 One of her most important pieces of advice is to take action, even if it is small, just do it and then take time to celebrate. Make sure you build your support system to learn and continue to grow as you go. That can be through your network, reading, mentors, hiring a coach, etc. But you owe it to yourself to invest in yourself and be the role model you want to be in this world.

What are your thoughts after listening to this episode? Ready to take more risk? Ready to speak out loud what you want? 

 If you are curious about your leadership, visit us at and take our free leadership quiz to get a sense of how you show up as a leader and what might be holding you back from being the best version of yourself.


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