How does one build on their economic power? What is our civic responsibility as human beings? These are some of the questions I dive into with Dr. Avis Deweever on the WIL Talk podcast this week. Dr. Avis earned her Ph.D. in Political Science and is part of the think tank industry working on the ecosystem of research just outside of Washington, DC. She is also an entrepreneur who teaches Black women business owners how to scale their businesses by developing high-ticket offers and implementing high-profile media and marketing methods. She is also a frequent speaker on race, gender and the economy, poverty, inequality of educational and economic opportunity, and issues of privilege, power, and policy in the US. Her advocacy is about speaking up about how policies are set and ensuring no harm is done or ridding policies that do harm people. She is a force and supports others in building their economic power and recognizes the need, especially for women to believe in themselves and create the lifestyle they desire.


She talks about the shift of women leaving corporations to start their businesses, especially black women. Research shows that women earn .72 cents to every dollar a man earns and for black women there is a double wage gap. Not only do women earn less but black women earn only .62 cents to other women. Not to mention the lack of access to mentorship and sponsorship. We all need to be better at taking an active role in making changes and holding accountable those we put into power. She shares many tips on how to do that and knows that your voice is important, and we must pay attention to exercising our power. So many amazing takeaways from this conversation. 

 Dr Avis offers a free e-book on her website at , be sure to visit her website to learn more or touch base with any questions you may have from the podcast conversation.

 If you are curious about your leadership, be sure to visit us at and take our free leadership quiz. This will give you insight into your leadership.

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