As a hospital President, Cheryl’s hospital nailed being in the 99th percentile in its performance metrics and sustained this standing year after year.  She was asked many times how she maintains this status which is how Recalibrate came to life, where she reverse-engineered the work she did at the hospital and today works with many organizations to support them in leading more skillfully in times of uncertainty. She is also the author of the book, “Face to Face, A Guide to Leading More Skillfully in Times of Disruption and Uncertainty”. I love her book as it is a tale of her personal experiences navigating a safari on horseback in South Africa. 

During our conversation, Cheryl speaks to the many leadership lessons that are required to learn as we navigate the complexities of the world today and how we have created a society that believes it’s all about us and the reality is it’s not about you!! Leaders ask themselves the question – who do I placate and who is throwing the biggest temper tantrum now? We must get away from this mindset especially as we realize that “what you permit, you promote”. She talks about how we have moved away from relationships and the need to be very clear on the expectations and allow behaviors. It’s like a cancer, if you allow it to spread it will take over the entire body. 

She developed the B99 framework to make it easier for leaders to take an outside look at their organization. It’s like putting a puzzle together and you must make all the pieces fit. She is offering you a chance to take her free quiz and will book a 30-minute consultation with you to share some of the highlights. This is a wonderful opportunity to set the tone for the first half of 2024. 

 Cheryl is pleased to offer the Be99 ® Guiding Questions — reCalibrate to our audience as well as a series of quizzes that help to identify where leaders are rocking Be99® principles and where they need to grow in becoming their own Epic WorkplaceTM   

If you are curious how you show up as a leader, you can take our free quiz, at


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