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The Lost Valley Podcast

186 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 23 ratings

An Irish podcast about 'Lost Worlds' in lore and literature

Social Sciences Science
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For Fear Of Little Men: Voices In The Woods (with Andrew Byrne)

August 05, 2020 06:17 - 57 minutes - 78.8 MB

Cian takes another trip into the realms of folklore. A stray Reddit tale introduces our host to the Native American legends of disembodied voices that mimic humans to trick and trap travellers in the wild. Always a fan of campfire lore, Cian investigates this idea as it turns up in contemporary legends, the original mythology of native peoples, and how folks have used the idea of malevolent forest spirits in classic fiction. And as some traits cross over with Irish mythology, Cian invites Mr...

The Miracle of 1985: Ireland's Moving Statues

August 01, 2020 09:43 - 39 minutes - 54 MB

In the summer of 1985, a strange phenomenon broke out all over Ireland. Statues of the Virgin Mary were seen to move, hover and speak. Whether this was an example of mass hysteria or a manifestation of the country's discomfort with modernization, it's a story that straddles the worlds of the religious and the Fortean. Join Cian for a beer at the cabin in the woods as he dusts off a classic episode on this topic!

Tales Of Living Mammoths: Kind Of A Big Deal

July 29, 2020 10:21 - 41 minutes - 57.1 MB

It sometimes seems the human need to believe in unspoiled wildernesses full of large, overlooked creatures knows no bounds! And it feels like there's hardly an 'impossible' animal that doesn't have some folkloric core of supposed 'real life' sightings. And so it is with the woolly mammoth. At the cabin in the woods, Cian nurses a beer and investigates an almost-forgotten tale: the legend of the living mammoth of Siberia. This case is going to take a deep trek into the musty wilderness of the...

We Need To Talk About Chris Jericho And Joe Rogan

July 25, 2020 08:57 - 47 minutes - 65.9 MB

Things get a little serious at the cabin in the woods this week as Cian and Dónal talk about problematic podcast hosts Chris Jericho and Joe Rogan. Both have a tendency to showcase fringe beliefs and bad-faith actors without any critical context. Both regularly expose their huge audiences to conspiracy thinking without pushback. And neither seem to feel that wielding such influence requires them to act with any responsibility about who they platform and how they do it. In a world where medi...

We Need To Talk About Chris Jericho And Joe Rogan (with Dónal Gill)

July 25, 2020 08:57 - 47 minutes - 65.9 MB

Things get a little serious at the cabin in the woods this week as Cian and Dónal talk about problematic podcast hosts Chris Jericho and Joe Rogan. Both have a tendency to showcase fringe beliefs and bad-faith actors without any critical context. Both regularly expose their huge audiences to conspiracy thinking without pushback. And neither seem to feel that wielding such influence requires them to act with any responsibility about who they platform and how they do it. In a world where medi...

The Jewel Of Seven Stars: Bram Stoker's Spooky Egypt Part 2

July 22, 2020 08:26 - 1 hour - 118 MB

THIS IS PART 2 OF A MINI-SERIES, MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT PART 1 FIRST! WE PROMISE IT'S GREAT. REALLY! On this episode, enter the Wide Atlantic Weird cabin-in-the-woods to find the place stuffed with mummified cats, cursed relics and forbidden idols as we delve into THE JEWEL OF SEVEN STARS! This 1903 book from Dublin-born Bram ‘Dracula’ Stoker affords us the perfect excuse to doff a pith helmet, drink cognac, and tell mystical tales of turn-of-the-century Gothic London and spooky, mysterious...

Roots Of Horror: John Wyndham And The Day Of The Triffids (with Neil Philips of UK Wildlife Podcast)

July 18, 2020 09:16 - 1 hour - 85.4 MB

An empty, apocalyptic London, survivors proposing radical utopias - and all while 9-foot, monstrous carnivorous plants roam the streets? It must be THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, the most famous novel by John Wyndham, the mid-century British author famous for penning so-called 'cozy catastrophes.' Cian is joined at the Cabin In The Woods by Mr Neil Philips from the UK Wildlife Podcast to discuss Wyndham and the book, Soviet science, Cold War paranoia, mad botany, and 1950s apocalypse fiction. Grab...

Roots Of Horror: John Wyndham And The Day Of The Triffids

July 18, 2020 09:16 - 1 hour - 85.4 MB

An empty, apocalyptic London, survivors proposing radical utopias - and all while 9-foot, monstrous carnivorous plants roam the streets? It must be THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, the most famous novel by John Wyndham, the mid-century British author famous for penning so-called 'cozy catastrophes.' Cian is joined at the Cabin In The Woods by Mr Neil Philips from the UK Wildlife Podcast to discuss Wyndham and the book, Soviet science, Cold War paranoia, mad botany, and 1950s apocalypse fiction. Grab...

Fake News: The Fictional Life Of Hulk Hogan Part 1

July 15, 2020 16:07 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Like arch-conspiracy fiend Alex Jones, wrestler Hulk Hogan has had to claim in court that his real self is seperate from his in-ring persona - and that's just the beginning of his self-fictionalisation. Join Cian and his BROTHER Donal at the Cabin In The Woods for a somewhat off-topic episode of Wide Atlantic Weird where the lads delve into the extremely weird world of professional wrestling in FAKE NEWS: THE FICTIONAL LIFE OF HULK HOGAN PART 1.

Fake News: The Fictional Life Of Hulk Hogan Part 1 (with Dónal Gill)

July 15, 2020 16:07 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Like arch-conspiracy fiend Alex Jones, wrestler Hulk Hogan has had to claim in court that his real self is seperate from his in-ring persona - and that's just the beginning of his self-fictionalisation. Join Cian and his BROTHER Donal at the Cabin In The Woods for a somewhat off-topic episode of Wide Atlantic Weird where the lads delve into the extremely weird world of professional wrestling in FAKE NEWS: THE FICTIONAL LIFE OF HULK HOGAN PART 1.

BONUS MICRO-EPISODE: The Vanishing Hitchhiker of Cobh

July 12, 2020 11:22 - 6 minutes - 8.47 MB

Since we were in the area - a very brief ghost story/urban legend for you from County Cork.

St Kevin's: Cork's Abandoned Victorian Asylum

July 11, 2020 08:28 - 24 minutes - 33.2 MB

Every town has that one spooky abandoned building, the one that seems to naturally gather scary stories and urban legends. On the west side of Cork City, the great Victorian redbrick section of the Our Lady's complex, St Kevin's, has a real-life history of scandal and tragedy. In this episode, Cian takes a trip to the empty, fire-scarred structure that still stands above the Lee Valley onto the city. We'll discuss the Victorian origins of the complex, the scandals that went on inside, and th...

A Self-Regulating Earth? James Lovelock And The Gaia Hypothesis

July 05, 2020 09:51 - 1 hour - 71.8 MB

Back in the groovy, paranormal-obsessed 70s, brilliant, anti-establishment scientist James Lovelock came up with the idea that all process on Earth, including living things, are part of an enormous self-regulating system. This was meant to explain how Earth's various conditions have remained stable, and suitable for life, over millions of years. Calling this idea 'Gaia' after the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology, Lovelock found, perhaps inevitably, that the notion was taken up...

The Jewel Of Seven Stars: Bram Stoker's Spooky Egypt Part 1

July 02, 2020 10:45 - 1 hour - 100 MB

*NOW UPDATED WITH EXTRA BONUS MATERIAL!* On this episode, enter the Wide Atlantic Weird cabin-in-the-woods to find the place stuffed with mummified cats, cursed relics and forbidden idols as we delve into THE JEWEL OF SEVEN STARS! This 1903 book from Dublin-born Bram ‘Dracula’ Stoker affords us the perfect excuse to doff a pith helmet, drink cognac, and tell mystical tales of turn-of-the-century Gothic London and spooky, mysterious Egypt! Come to find out when the Western world actually de...

Ancient Astronauts, Religion & Science In Prometheus (2012)

June 26, 2020 10:25 - 1 hour - 92.5 MB

Prometheus, made with a decent amount of creative control by increasingly-eccentric director Ridley Scott, is a sorta-maybe prequel to the Alien movies, and a rather divisive entry into the franchise. Cian invites Prometheus fan Daffy to the Cabin In The Woods on a rainy summer's night to discuss the ups and downs of this visually-stunning but thematically confusing film. The guys discuss racism in Ancient Astronauts theory, the place of religion in science, bad plot tropes, and lots of othe...

Ancient Astronauts, Religion & Science In Prometheus (2012) (with Daffy Price)

June 26, 2020 10:25 - 1 hour - 92.5 MB

Prometheus, made with a decent amount of creative control by increasingly-eccentric director Ridley Scott, is a sorta-maybe prequel to the Alien movies, and a rather divisive entry into the franchise. Cian invites Prometheus fan Daffy to the Cabin In The Woods on a rainy summer's night to discuss the ups and downs of this visually-stunning but thematically confusing film. The guys discuss racism in Ancient Astronauts theory, the place of religion in science, bad plot tropes, and lots of othe...

Rumour Control: The Unbelievable Development Hell Of Alien 3

June 17, 2020 20:47 - 1 hour - 98.8 MB

Christ on a bicycle, you just wouldn't believe the madness that went on behind the scenes during the making of ALIEN 3. An astonishingly bleak, gothic entry into a big-budget franchise that killed off most of its beloved cast, Alien 3 was hated by fans upon release and has only very slowly gained a slightly better reputation over the years. Cian and Stokes enjoy some fine German beer (and Kinsale Pale Ale - recommended!) while getting into the almost incredible reasons why this film spent so...

Rumour Control: The Unbelievable Development Hell Of Alien 3 (with Ian Stokes)

June 17, 2020 20:47 - 1 hour - 98.8 MB

Christ on a bicycle, you just wouldn't believe the madness that went on behind the scenes during the making of ALIEN 3. An astonishingly bleak, gothic entry into a big-budget franchise that killed off most of its beloved cast, Alien 3 was hated by fans upon release and has only very slowly gained a slightly better reputation over the years. Cian and Stokes enjoy some fine German beer (and Kinsale Pale Ale - recommended!) while getting into the almost incredible reasons why this film spent so...

From The Vaults: The History Of KISS

June 14, 2020 09:53 - 1 hour - 122 MB

From the vaults, we bring you a VERY special episode of Wide Atlantic Weird (before it was WAW). Back in 2017, Cian was reunited with his brother Donal in snowy Montreal to talk about the history of the band KISS. Donal has long been a card-carrying member of the KISS army, and Cian has had to live with the results of this obsession, so there's a lot to talk about! And the guys came up with a special concept just for the occasion: instead of reviewing a book or movie, they each read two of t...

The Land Beyond The Forest: The Mythical World Of The Uberwald

June 12, 2020 17:15 - 40 minutes - 46.3 MB

Digging up an old script at the Cabin In The Woods, Cian addresses an old topic, a suitably spooky and Gothic one for an unseasonably cold summer’s evening: the Uberwald, the mythical imaginary version of Central and Eastern Europe where Gothic tales of the macabre traditionally take place. On this journey we take on the Fighting Fantasy books, The White Wolf Of The Harz Mountains, Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla, and of course Dracula. Grab your torch, pitchfork, and a can of Nightcrawler milk ...

The Anti-Environmentalist Agenda Within Conspiracy Theories

June 05, 2020 15:27 - 34 minutes - 39.8 MB

When you get down to brass tacks, the evil New World Order of conspiracy lore have one ultimate goal: population reduction. As such, believers cast environmentalists as being agents of this shadowy one-world government. As we acknowledge the trade-off in environmental degredation caused by human activity, the logic goes, we must wish death upon untold numbers of people. So in this episode we investigate the reality of the global extinction event, whether population reduction is really a goa...

A Franchise Nobody Wanted: The Rest Of The Blair Witch Mythos (with Ian Stokes)

May 30, 2020 13:30 - 56 minutes - 64.8 MB

Some months ago we did an episode solely about the first Blair Witch movie from 1999. We're doing everything else in the franchise (two movies and a bunch of video games) in one episode. While this might give you an idea of the level of quality we're dealing with, there are interesting things to notice within these films and games. Perhaps the take-home lesson is simply that not everything needs a franchise. But grab a beer and join us at the Cabin In The Woods to see whether there's anyth...

A Franchise Nobody Wanted: The Rest Of The Blair Witch Mythos

May 30, 2020 13:30 - 56 minutes - 64.8 MB

Some months ago we did an episode solely about the first Blair Witch movie from 1999. We're doing everything else in the franchise (two movies and a bunch of video games) in one episode. While this might give you an idea of the level of quality we're dealing with, there are interesting things to notice within these films and games. Perhaps the take-home lesson is simply that not everything needs a franchise. But grab a beer and join us at the Cabin In The Woods to see whether there's anyth...

Edwardians And Dinosaurs: The Prehistory Of 'The Lost World'

May 17, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 79.7 MB

Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World is the proverbial ‘not-terrible’ dinosaur story. Let’s face it, besides Jurassic Park, there aren’t many. And Conan Doyle knocked it out of the (ahem) park back in 1912 when he brought prehistoric creatures of literary age in this tale of daring Englishmen, led by the infuriating Professor Challenger, finding dinosaurs alive and well on a flat-topped mountain in the jungles of South America. The book is a seminal text in the colonial-era adventure genre. ...

The Shores Of Hell: History And Memories of DOOM

May 10, 2020 13:43 - 1 hour - 88.7 MB

In 1993, the world of gaming was changed forever by Doom, a fast-paced game with action and horror elements that was hugely controversial for its violent and Satanic plot. Joining Cian for a beer and a chat about the history of the game is Ian Stokes, the Wide Atlantic Weird resident IT guy. Grab yourself a brew for a conversation about the wild and woolly days of cowboy game developers, space marines and imps from Hell, connections to moral panics and school shootings, a film so bad even th...

The Shores Of Hell: History And Memories of DOOM (with Ian Stokes)

May 10, 2020 13:43 - 1 hour - 88.7 MB

In 1993, the world of gaming was changed forever by Doom, a fast-paced game with action and horror elements that was hugely controversial for its violent and Satanic plot. Joining Cian for a beer and a chat about the history of the game is Ian Stokes, the Wide Atlantic Weird resident IT guy. Grab yourself a brew for a conversation about the wild and woolly days of cowboy game developers, space marines and imps from Hell, connections to moral panics and school shootings, a film so bad even th...

It Never Gets Respect: Metallica and the making of St Anger

May 06, 2020 13:00 - 1 hour - 83.3 MB

Another strange tale from the world of music here as Cian and Donal delve into Metallica’s infamously difficult phase during the recording of their much-maligned St Anger album. Metallica stand head and shoulders above most other groups in the metal world, and at the time they were making this record their star was still shooting up. But personal problems left them wracked with insecurity and an identity crisis that played out onscreen in the documentary Some Kind Of Monster. The film is ful...

It Never Gets Respect: Metallica and the making of St Anger (with Dónal Gill)

May 06, 2020 13:00 - 1 hour - 83.3 MB

Another strange tale from the world of music here as Cian and Donal delve into Metallica’s infamously difficult phase during the recording of their much-maligned St Anger album. Metallica stand head and shoulders above most other groups in the metal world, and at the time they were making this record their star was still shooting up. But personal problems left them wracked with insecurity and an identity crisis that played out onscreen in the documentary Some Kind Of Monster. The film is ful...

Twisted Pair: Is Neil Breen Self-Aware?

May 01, 2020 10:30 - 1 hour - 92.3 MB

A proper, enjoyable 'bad movie' needs to have been made with by someone who truly believes in what they're doing, without irony. Cian and Ali enjoy a beer and return to the subject of their very first episode: the so-bad-they’re-good films of visionary ‘auteur’ Neil Breen. This time they finally discuss his divisive 2018 movie Twisted Pair, an effort that had them wondering whether Breen had finally become self-aware and if the game was finally up. Would Breen now become another Tommy Wisea...

Twisted Pair: Is Neil Breen Self-Aware? (with Ali Keane)

May 01, 2020 10:30 - 1 hour - 92.3 MB

A proper, enjoyable 'bad movie' needs to have been made with by someone who truly believes in what they're doing, without irony. Cian and Ali enjoy a beer and return to the subject of their very first episode: the so-bad-they’re-good films of visionary ‘auteur’ Neil Breen. This time they finally discuss his divisive 2018 movie Twisted Pair, an effort that had them wondering whether Breen had finally become self-aware and if the game was finally up. Would Breen now become another Tommy Wisea...

Dead Men Working In The Cane Fields: The Zombies of William Seabrook's 'Magic Island'

April 29, 2020 09:05 - 42 minutes - 48.2 MB

As something of a follow-up to our last episode about the birth of the ‘Spooky New Orleans’ archetype, join Cian for a lockdown bottle of ale on the porch at the Cabin in the Woods for a reading from the book ‘The Magic Island’ by William Seabrook. In 1929, Seabrook’s book was a massive success, telling dark tales about Haiti and its voodoo secrets, and in particular popularising the word ‘zombie’ among Western audiences. Having always been haunted by a story about zombified sugar-cane plant...

Lafcadio Hearn: The Man Who Invented Spooky New Orleans

April 26, 2020 13:29 - 36 minutes - 42.2 MB

The popular image of New Orleans as a spooky, mysterious city full of witchcraft and voodoo mischief needs no introduction. But few know that the city owes this image largely to the work of an Irishman named Lafcadio Hearn – a Victorian-era writer and traveller who sought out magic and mystery wherever he went, a collector of folklore and stories of everyday life. During his ten years writing about life in the Crescent City, he emphasised its sensuality and difference from the rest of Americ...

Lafcadio Hearn In New Orleans

April 26, 2020 13:29 - 36 minutes - 42.2 MB

The popular image of New Orleans as a spooky, mysterious city full of witchcraft and voodoo needs no introduction. But few know that the city owes this image largely to the work of an Irishman named Lafcadio Hearn – a Victorian-era writer and traveller who sought out magic and mystery wherever he went, a collector of folklore and stories of everyday life. During his ten years writing about life in the Crescent City, he emphasised its sensuality and difference from the rest of America. Today...

What You Did Not Create: Slipknot And Nu-Metal Nostalgia

April 21, 2020 19:18 - 1 hour - 79.5 MB

Get ready for a look back at a strange world: 2001 was a different time. A time of baggy jeans, wallets on chains, and a strangely heavy, angry, and proudly stupid style of music that inexplicably became mainstream. It was the era of Nu-Metal: a subgenre now so hated and disgraced that even those of us who were fans are happy to pretend it all just never happened. For myself and my brother Donal, one of our key memories of this bizarre time is the book Slipknot: Behind The Sickness Inside T...

Restless Dreams: 90s Survival Horror Nostalgia

April 09, 2020 16:15 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Video games have played a key role in the evolution of horror storytelling over the last couple of decades. And if you have fond memories of pre-rendered backgrounds, polygonal zombies, bad controls and even worse voice acting, then this episode RESTLESS DREAMS: 90S SURVIVAL HORROR NOSTALGIA is for you! Cian and Aodh get misty-eyed recalling the highs (and hilarious lows) of the Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dino Crisis franchises. The 90s and early 00s were something of a boomtime for big...

Restless Dreams: 90s Survival Horror Nostalgia (with Aodh O' Catháin)

April 09, 2020 16:15 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Video games have played a key role in the evolution of horror storytelling over the last couple of decades. And if you have fond memories of pre-rendered backgrounds, polygonal zombies, bad controls and even worse voice acting, then this episode RESTLESS DREAMS: 90S SURVIVAL HORROR NOSTALGIA is for you! Cian and Aodh get misty-eyed recalling the highs (and hilarious lows) of the Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dino Crisis franchises. The 90s and early 00s were something of a boomtime for big...

Choose-Your-Own-Satanic-Panic: Fighting Fantasy And House Of Hell

April 05, 2020 12:06 - 22 minutes - 26.2 MB

Join Cian for a quarantine session of brandy and nostalgia at the cabin in this much-delayed episode. If you fondly remember reading (and cheating) through Fighting Fantasy gamebooks in the 80s, this installment has you covered, as Cian talks us through House Of Hell, his favourite FF adventure. It's a haunted house game that really goes into far more disturbing territory than most. Cian spots the influences of Dennis Wheatley in this creepy Satanists-for-kids adventure, and wonders as to th...

Geraldine Cummins: The Cork Psychic

April 04, 2020 12:41 - 19 minutes - 18.1 MB

With the world in the midst of difficulties and upheaval, we bring you a brief update on the Wide Atlantic Weird status, as well as a short episode about a woman from County Cork who was famous in the 1920s for her mediumship, automatic writing, her follow-up books to the Bible (!) and for telling fortunes for the great and the good. Her name was Geraldine Cummins, and while not well-remembered today, her success during her lifetime tells us much about the state of belief in these ideas in I...

All Of Them Witches: Margaret Murray And The Witch-Cult Hypothesis

March 18, 2020 22:30 - 35 minutes - 40.8 MB

Reading Lovecraft is a great way to discover new writers and strange old pseudoscientific theories. In this episode I discuss how through Lovecraft I first learned of Margaret Murray and the infamous Witch-Cult Hypothesis – the idea that the ‘witches’ persecuted in early-modern witch trials were in fact the survivors of an ancient pagan cult. Yes, not only did people take this idea seriously, but they ran with it. Really ran with it. This episode of WIDE ATLANTIC WEIRD delves into what Murra...

American Militia 2: The Shadow Of Waco (with Ali Keane)

March 13, 2020 20:45 - 59 minutes - 68.3 MB

In the second of our American Militia episodes, we examine the horror that was the 1993 Waco Siege. In February of that year, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms bungled a raid on a religious cult, the Branch Davidians, and their leader David Koresh, who were living in a compound in Texas. What resulted was an hours-long shootout, a 51-day siege, a killer fire, and controversies that still rage today: who shot first and who started the fire? Anti-government conspiracy believers still s...

American Militia 2: The Shadow Of Waco

March 13, 2020 20:45 - 59 minutes - 68.3 MB

In the second of our American Militia episodes, we examine the horror that was the 1993 Waco Siege. In February of that year, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms bungled a raid on a religious cult, the Branch Davidians, and their leader David Koresh, who were living in a compound in Texas. What resulted was an hours-long shootout, a 51-day siege, a killer fire, and controversies that still rage today: who shot first and who started the fire? Anti-government conspiracy believers still s...

The American Folkhorror Of The Blair Witch Project

March 09, 2020 10:27 - 1 hour - 74.8 MB

In 1999, a supposedly-real ‘horror film’ was released that showed us virtually nothing while filling us with a terror of virtually everything. Those of us who were young and impressionable at the time still owe our fear of camping to THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, an upstart indie film that expertly utilised internet marketing, folklore and terrific world-building to create a movie that exists to this day within a kind of urban-legend mystique, proving that American folk-horror can be done right! ...

Chariots Of The Slobs: Jack London And The Ancient Aliens

February 29, 2020 15:56 - 47 minutes - 54 MB

Sitting by a roaring fire in the Wide Atlantic Weird cabin, Cian delves into a potted history of the Ancient Aliens theory – once a fringe, almost-dead belief, it’s come back with a vengeance, now being one of the most popular paranormal worldviews out there. Statistically, you probably know someone yourself who believes that ancient non-white cultures around the world were incapable of building their pyramids and statues, and needed a little help from the (little green) men upstairs! But t...

American Militia 1: The Road To Ruby Ridge (with Ali Keane)

February 23, 2020 17:16 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Cian and Ali begin their deep dive into the American militia (or Patriot) movement. There are some odd beliefs very particular to America at play here, so we crack a couple of cans and get stuck into the founding of the country and the constitution to find out exactly why grown men like to LARP at being military folks out in the wild woods of backwoods America. In this episode, we focus on the siege of Ruby Ridge in Idaho, 1992 – an inciting incident that helped to kickstart the modern mili...

American Militia 1: The Road To Ruby Ridge

February 23, 2020 17:16 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Cian and Ali begin their deep dive into the American militia (or Patriot) movement. There are some odd beliefs very particular to America at play here, so we crack a couple of cans and get stuck into the founding of the country and the constitution to find out exactly why grown men like to LARP at being military folks out in the wild woods of backwoods America. In this episode, we focus on the siege of Ruby Ridge in Idaho, 1992 – an inciting incident that helped to kickstart the modern mili...

BONUS EPISODE: Pitching Bad Movie Ideas To The Asylum

February 16, 2020 17:18 - 34 minutes - 39.3 MB

On a dark and stormy night, as London is pelted with rain and lashed by intense winds, the WIDE ATLANTIC WEIRD crew serves you up a BONUS EPISODE. Enjoy a true strange SCARY CLOWN tale from The Ghost Trail’s Faye, then Cian and Ali indulge in their old hobby of bad movie-watching. They discuss infamous mockbuster studio THE ASYLUM, running through the reasons why the likes of Sharknado just doesn’t cut it for veteran bad movie watchers the way Troll 2 or The Room does. If you’ve ever had som...

BONUS EPISODE: Pitching Bad Movie Ideas To The Asylum (with Ali Keane)

February 16, 2020 17:18 - 34 minutes - 39.3 MB

On a dark and stormy night, as London is pelted with rain and lashed by intense winds, the WIDE ATLANTIC WEIRD crew serves you up a BONUS EPISODE. Enjoy a true strange SCARY CLOWN tale from The Ghost Trail’s Faye, then Cian and Ali indulge in their old hobby of bad movie-watching. They discuss infamous mockbuster studio THE ASYLUM, running through the reasons why the likes of Sharknado just doesn’t cut it for veteran bad movie watchers the way Troll 2 or The Room does. If you’ve ever had som...

The Witch (2015): Religion and Superstition In Movies

February 10, 2020 19:15 - 57 minutes - 65.4 MB

In 2015, a fantastic horror/historical film called The Witch made the rare decision to take the religion and worldview of its characters seriously. Cian and Donal discuss the film, the life and beliefs of 17th-century puritans, the difference between Catholics and Protestants, and other light subjects! This spoiler-ific take on The Witch also touches on (of course) witchcraft itself, the importance of the Salem witch trials, and what makes the film so bloody good. Permanent Revolution by Ja...

The Witch (2015): Religion and Superstition In Movies (with Dónal Gill)

February 10, 2020 19:15 - 57 minutes - 65.4 MB

In 2015, a fantastic horror/historical film called The Witch made the rare decision to take the religion and worldview of its characters seriously. Cian and Donal discuss the film, the life and beliefs of 17th-century puritans, the difference between Catholics and Protestants, and other light subjects! This spoiler-ific take on The Witch also touches on (of course) witchcraft itself, the importance of the Salem witch trials, and what makes the film so bloody good. Permanent Revolution by Ja...

Contagion And Conspiracies: The Coronavirus

February 03, 2020 19:26 - 14 minutes - 16.6 MB

Wondering what all the hype is about? As the hype builds, Cian phones friend of the show and man of medicine James Lynch for a brief chat about the Coronavirus. Is it unique? Should we be scared? And are there any conspiracy theories about this one yet? (the answer to this last question is OF COURSE). Whether you're a sceptic or you've been prepping for the virus apocalypse for years, you'll pick up a few tips from this short episode of WIDE ATLANTIC WEIRD. Music by Kevin Gill and Cian Gill

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