Cian quits the cabin and travels to London where he’s joined by Faye from Youtube’s The Ghost Trail and Ali from punk band The Scuts to test whether any of them really have any psychic ability using the (infamous) Zener cards. Yes, the ones from Ghostbusters. Invented by Karl Zener for JB Rhine back in the 1930s, Zener cards were instrumental in Rhine’s decades-long attempt to get proper scientific evidence for what he termed ‘extra sensory perception’, and get real scientific recognition for the field of parapsychology along the way.

Rhine did succeed in creating one of the only actual university departments dedicated to studying the paranormal, so Cian and his team decide it’s high time they test his methods and see exactly WHAT"S IN THE CARDS for them! Back off man, we're scientists!

Links & Credits:

The Ghost Trail Series – Youtube

The Scuts – Bandcamp

Unbelievable by Stacy Horn

Tom Delonge Joe Rogan Interview

Original ‘Exorcist’ Case, Mark Opsasnick

I Am Grateful – Jared Elejorde