While driving across England, Cian reads some classic accounts of mysterious disappearances from wilderness areas and national parks in the US in an attempt to review the idea proposed by David Paulides that there are strange elements that link each of these cases. Full credit for this idea goes to Mr Paulides. From the forests and cafes of Southern England, Cian does his best to get lost, both physically and metaphorically as he goes down the rabbithole into a world of podcast-ready true crime, conspiracy-hiding Parks services, and maybe even a little Bigfoot. This episode features both true mystery as well as further musings on the conspiracy mindset and how it is consuming all before it - but this time, from a green and leafy setting! Special thanks to CO.AG for music (see below).


Link to Paulides' Site & Books

Coast To Coast AM Interview

Dennis Martin Disappearance, Knox News


CO.AG - Encounters With A Shadowy Figure

CO.AG - Haunting Atmosphere