Cian downs a Theakston's Old Peculiar and gets a little serious in this episode about conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his frenemy and all-round bro Joe Rogan.

See, conspiracy theories are no longer a silly fringe interest that we can afford to dismiss. They are mainstream, and are having serious effects on world politics. So we might as well understand them. And what better place to start than with the hilarious feud between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan? 

Alex Jones is a despicable human being. His worldview is dangerous and incredibly popular. We cannot afford to simply smirk because he sounds like a loon. Yes he says silly things about frogs, but he says not-silly things about people, and other truly silly people act on this. Joe Rogan is a guy who has a lot of influence, and should know better than to entertain Jones quite so often.

Listen and find out why all of this is more serious than it sounds in a rather intense episode of WIDE ATLANTIC WEIRD!

The Secret Rulers Of The World (Jon Ronson)

New York Times: Conspiracy Theories Made Alex Jones Very Rich. Now They May Bring Him Down

Forbes: Alex Jones and Joe Rogan Made Peace With A Bizarre Podcast

Joe Rogan Vs Alex Jones 2 (PingTr1P)