NOTE: the style and format of the show was very different back in these days! But we think you'll still enjoy it.

The bizarre episode of mass hysteria known as the 2016 Clown Panic gets centre stage in this episode as Cian downs a can of Brooklyn lager in the bunker and gets down to investigating a modern case of an anomalous phenomenon.

THE 2016 CLOWN PANIC: Cian remembers following this case as it happened. Has time given us any insights? Was this a flash-in-the-pan case of mass hysteria, or does it fit into patterns of other weird beliefs from history? Learn how the original clown sighting from Greenville, South Carolina created a meme that went worldwide by October 2016. (NOTE: I mistakenly date the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film to 1968. It was in fact shot in 1967. Geez, you guys!)

DEVIL'S CHOICE: A short fictional piece. On a Reddit page dedicated to 80s nostalgia, one contributor remembers a strange, scary Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book about a scary house in the woods. A house haunted not by ghosts, but by cultists straight out of the 80s Satanic Panic. The more she reads, the more sucked into the world of the book she becomes. And the book seems to know what choices she has made ...


The Guardian: Clown Sightings, The Day The Craze Began

New York Times: Creepy Clown Sightings in South Carolina Cause A Frenzy

Irish Independent: Creepy Clowns Armed With Chainsaws Enter Dublin City School