Our guest tonight are Lynn Russell of "The Wonde of You and Dr. Kathi Kemper, author of Authentic Healing. 

Lynn- After being a single-parent for 25 years and a family counselor for over 28, Lynn became an author. But...there's much more to the story: As a young child (age 7) Lynn was assessed as "retarded" and put into special class, the Opportunity class that taught skills. All her life she was treated as though she was slow and stupid, and just figured it was true.

Dr. Kathi Kemper  is the Director of the Center for Integrative Health and Wellness at The Ohio State University, and has served on the faculty of the University of Wasington, Yale, and Harvrd University, and has founded three Centers for Intigrative Medicien and is the author of four books, her current being Authentic Healing: A Practical guide for Caregivers.