Our Poetry Month series returns! Every Tuesday in April we invite a Lesley poet to share a poem and speak briefly about their work. This year, we're starting with Robbie Gamble ’17, who reads and discusses "Memo to the Border Patrol Agent Who Poured Out the Water We Left in the Desert."

Find the transcript on the episode page.

About our guest

Robbie Gamble ’17 holds an MFA in Poetry from Lesley. He is the author of A Can of Pinto Beans, from Lily Poetry Review Press (2022). His poems and essays have appeared in the Atlanta Review, Pangyrus, Poet Lore, RHINO, Rust + Moth, Spillway, Tahoma Literary Review, and The Sun, among other journals. Recipient of the Carve Poetry prize, and a Peter Taylor Fellowship at the Kenyon Summer Writers Workshop, he serves as poetry editor for Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices. Robbie worked for 20 years as a nurse practitioner with Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, and he now divides his time between Boston and Vermont.

Check out last year's poems:

"The Translator" by Kevin Prufer"As for the Heart" by Erin Belieu"We Be Womxn" by U-Meleni Mhlaba-AdeboCowboys and "The Dread" by Lydia Leclerc