A good question can unlock a moment of life. When we don't have understanding; when we feel alone; when we're struggling or suffering; when we're confused or lonely... asking the right question helps us settle into the season, and see beyond our circumstances.

We all have times when the monotony wears on us and we need to see God. So, we're asking a very important question on today's podcast: Where do you see God right now? Because we need to pull back the layers of our day, our life, our relationships and our junk, to see God where we are, and learn to enjoy the people and places we're in.

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To find out more about Tiffany's writing, speaking, or books visit her site at http://www.tiffanybluhm.com/ Find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffanybluhm/

To find out more about Ashley's writing, speaking, or books visit her site at https://ashabercrombie.org/ Find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashabercrombie/