Today is a stressful day for us here in the US, and while we didn't know the outcome at the time of this recording, we wanted to talk about hot dog toppings, and why hope is stubborn AF tho. Half of the country will be happy and the other half will be crushed tomorrow, and you know what? Our work continues. We're not going to pump you up with "God is still on the throne" messages. Duh, obviously we know that - that's how we all got this far, but we will talk about how hope guides us in the darkness. Hope paves a way where there seems to be no way. Because hope is not some kind of fantasy we live in or the result of all outcomes swinging in our favor. Hope is what we have when we don't have anything else. Hope stares up from the pit of divide, from the pit of pain, from the pit of despair, and says I will hold on to you, God. I will trust you. I will choose to love, to relentlessly pursue justice, and engage faithfully and generously with the world around me. Friends, we have hope. And hope will not put us to shame.

Thank you for joining us for another episode of Why Tho. If you enjoyed your time with us, please rate and review this podcast.

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